Did some fun crayon crafts last week with the kids. The first was, you collect some smooth rocks, heat them in your oven at 350 for 15 minutes. You can then paint with crayons on the hot rocks. The way the wax melts on the surface of the hot rock, I found mesmerizing. The kids really enjoyed it and you can do two art projects at the same time by having paper under your rock. My eldest enjoyed drawing on the paper with the melty crayons (kinda like pastels). We found the lighter colored crayons gave the best results. Also don't try to draw pictures, abstract works best with runny wax!

The second crayon craft was fall leaves made from grated crayon melted between layers of wax paper and then cut into leaf shape. I was out of wax paper so I used a cereal bag. I tried several different crayon colors across the bag mixing some of them and trying to get some colors a little isolated. The brown and orange kinda took over most of the color. Grate crayon on half the bag or on one sheet of wax paper, cover with other half. Place in between paper and iron on medium low temp, just enough to melt the crayons and melt the layers of wax paper together. While it's still hot, you can smoosh colors around a bit then let it cool, trace your leaf shape and cut it out. I haven't hung mine up yet, but you can thread them with needle & thread or tape them up or however you desire. We've just been enjoying them scattered on our table!
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